The Secrets of 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos book 49 - A Book That Reveals the Wisdom of Ancient and Modern Sources
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos book
Have you ever wondered what everyone in the modern world needs to know? How to live a meaningful and fulfilling life in a chaotic and uncertain world? How to balance order and chaos, discipline and freedom, responsibility and adventure?
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos book 49
If you have, then you might be interested in reading 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, a self-help book by the Canadian clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson. The book provides life advice through essays that combine ancient wisdom, modern science, personal anecdotes, and practical tips. The book is based on Peterson's popular online lectures and has sold over five million copies worldwide.
Who is the author?
Jordan Peterson is a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto and a public intellectual who has gained fame and controversy for his views on various topics such as religion, politics, gender, and culture. He is also the author of Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief, a scholarly work that explores the origins and significance of myths and stories.
Why is the book important?
The book is important because it offers a unique perspective on how to live well in a complex and confusing world. Peterson draws on his extensive knowledge of psychology, philosophy, literature, religion, and mythology to provide insights and guidance that are both profound and practical. He challenges some of the common assumptions and ideologies of our time and invites us to think critically and creatively about ourselves and our society. He also inspires us to take responsibility for our actions and choices and to pursue what is meaningful rather than what is easy or comfortable.
Summary of the 12 rules
The book consists of 12 chapters, each explaining one of Peterson's rules for life. Here is a brief summary of each rule:
Rule 1: Stand up straight with your shoulders back
This rule is about adopting a confident posture and attitude that signals to yourself and others that you are competent and worthy of respect. Peterson uses the example of lobsters, which have a dominance hierarchy based on their physical strength and serotonin levels. He argues that humans also have a similar hierarchy that affects our mood, behavior, and health. By standing up straight with your shoulders back, you can boost your serotonin levels, reduce your stress hormones, and improve your chances of success in life.
Rule 2: Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping
This rule is about taking care of yourself as you would take care of someone you love and respect. Peterson observes that many people are more compassionate and diligent towards their pets than towards themselves. He suggests that this is because we are aware of our own flaws and weaknesses and we feel unworthy of love and care. He reminds us that we are all valuable and imperfect human beings who deserve to be treated well. He advises us to act as if we are someone who wants to exist and thrive in the world.
Rule 3: Befriend people who want the best for you
This rule is about choosing your friends wisely and avoiding those who drag you down or hold you back. Peterson warns us of the dangers of associating with people who are negative, resentful, dishonest, or manipulative. He argues that such people will only harm us and prevent us from reaching our potential. He urges us to surround ourselves with people who are positive, supportive, honest, and constructive. He says that such people will help us grow and improve ourselves and our lives.
Rule 4: Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not the useless person you are today
This rule is about measuring your progress and success by your own standards and not by those of others. Peterson notes that we often compare ourselves to others who are more talented, successful, or attractive than us and feel inadequate or envious. He says that this is a futile and harmful practice that only leads to frustration and misery. He suggests that we should instead compare ourselves to who we were yesterday and aim to be a little better today. He says that this is a more realistic and rewarding way of achieving our goals and becoming happier.
Rule 5: Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them
This rule is about raising your children with love and discipline and not with indulgence or neglect. Peterson argues that children need clear boundaries and expectations from their parents in order to develop into responsible and well-adjusted adults. He says that parents should not let their children do anything that makes them dislike them, such as being rude, dishonest, or violent. He says that parents should also not do anything that makes their children dislike them, such as being overprotective, inconsistent, or abusive. He says that parents should teach their children how to behave properly in society and how to cope with the challenges of life.
Rule 6: Set your house in order before you criticise the world
This rule is about taking responsibility for your own life and problems before blaming others or the world for them. Peterson acknowledges that the world is full of suffering, injustice, and evil, but he also points out that we are all part of the world and we all contribute to its problems in some way. He says that we should first examine ourselves and our actions and try to improve them before we judge or condemn others or the world. He says that by setting our house in order, we can make a positive difference in ourselves and in the world.
Rule 7: Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient
This rule is about choosing long-term goals and values over short-term pleasures and gratifications. Peterson explains that life is inherently difficult and full of suffering, but it can also be meaningful and rewarding if we pursue what matters to us and what makes us better people. He says that we should not seek what is expedient, which is what gives us immediate satisfaction or relief, but what is meaningful, which is what gives us lasting fulfillment or growth. He says that pursuing what is meaningful requires courage, sacrifice, and responsibility, but it also gives us a sense of purpose, direction, and dignity.
Rule 8: Tell the truth or, at least, dont lie
This rule is about being honest with yourself and others and not deceiving yourself or others for your own benefit or convenience. Peterson argues that lying is one of the most destructive habits that humans have, as it corrupts our perception of reality, erodes our trust in ourselves and others, and creates more problems than it solves. He says that telling the truth is one of the most powerful habits that humans have, as it aligns us with reality, builds our confidence in ourselves and others, and solves more problems than it creates. He says that telling the truth requires courage, humility, and integrity, but it also gives us freedom, peace, and wisdom.
Rule 9: Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you dont
sources and perspectives. The book has been praised for its originality, depth, and relevance. The book has also been criticized for its bias, oversimplification, and arrogance.
Q: How can I apply the 12 rules to my life?
A: You can apply the 12 rules to your life by reading the book carefully and reflecting on its messages. You can also try to implement some of the practical tips and exercises that Peterson suggests in each chapter. You can also discuss the book with others and share your thoughts and experiences.
Q: Where can I buy the book?
A: You can buy the book from various online and offline retailers. You can also borrow the book from your local library or download the audiobook from Audible.