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Quantico - Bullet Tr...

Once the basics were in place, the team integrated in M4 and M9 weapons with simunition rounds. The simunitions, essentially real rounds but instead of a bullet they have a non-lethal paint projectile, brought all the training together.

Quantico - Bullet Tr...

THE PRECEDING chapter has established that the bullets which killed President Kennedy and wounded Governor Connally were fired from the southeast corner window of the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building and that the weapon which fired these bullets was a Mannlicher-Carcano 6.5-millimeter Italian rifle bearing the serial number C2766. In this chapter the Commission evaluates the evidence upon which it has based its conclusion concerning the identity of the assassin. This evidence includes (1) the ownership and possession of the weapon used to commit the assassination, (2) the means by which the weapon was brought into the Depository Building, (3) the identity of the person present at the window from which the shots were fired, (4) the killing of Dallas Patrolman J. D. Tippit within 45 minutes after the assassination, (5) the resistance to arrest and the attempted shooting of another police officer by the man (Lee Harvey Oswald) subsequently accused of assassinating President Kennedy and killing Patrolman Tippit, (6) the lies told to the police by Oswald, (7) the evidence linking Oswald to the attempted killing of Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker (Resigned, U.S. Army) on April 10, 1963, and (8) Oswald's capability with a rifle.

Staff Sgt. Hunter Bernius, a veteran Marine Corps scout sniper who runs an advanced urban sniper training course, walked Insider through his most technically difficult shot. He fired a bullet into a training target roughly 2,300 meters (1.4 miles, or 7,545 feet) away with a .50-caliber sniper rifle.

Which direction the sniper is facing can affect the way the sun hits the scope, possibly distorting the image inside and throwing off the shot. It also determines how the rotation of the planet affects the bullet, which may hit higher or lower depending on the sniper's position.

Other possible considerations include the temperature, the humidity, the time of day, whether the sniper is shooting over a body of water (it can create a mirage), the shape of the bullet, and the spindrift of the round.

The $8 billion is for high-speed rail corridors that would connect far-flung cities. Suspicion has swirled around this provision after funding was dramatically increased from the original House and Senate bills during final negotiations. Republicans have targeted Sen. Harry Reid, R-Nev., who was in those negotiations and has advocated in the past for a high-speed rail between Los Angeles and Las Vegas. The train isn't in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, but it could be one of several projects seeking a piece of the pie. Even so $8 billion isn't enough to pay for even a single bullet train, according to The New York Times. Here's their map of designated high-speed rail corridors.

THE BEAST (A&E)(Thursdays at 10:00/9:00c beginning tonight) The network's description: "A&E Network will premiere the original scripted drama series, "The Beast" on January 15th at 10PM ET/PT. "The Beast," starring Patrick Swayze and Travis Fimmel, centers on an unorthodox but effective FBI veteran, Charles Barker (Swayze), who takes on a rookie partner, Ellis Dove (Fimmel), to train in his hard-edged and psychologically clever style of agenting. In the premiere episode of "The Beast," the mischievous Barker hazes Dove as they go undercover on their first case to infiltrate a weapons smuggling ring. Barker brilliantly manipulates situations, constantly tests his new partner's abilities and pushes him to delve deeper into the roles of the undercover characters he creates. Although Dove takes a liking to Barker, the new job takes its toll on him. The stress and danger of being an agent quickly makes him realize that he can no longer maintain normal relationships outside of work. Yet that's not the worst of it..."What did they leave out? There's actually three other regulars besides Swayze and Fimmel: Kevin J. O'Connor as Conrad, their supervisor at the FBI; Lindsay Pulsipher as Rose, Ellis's next door neighbor/love interest; and Larry Gilliard, Jr. as, well, you'll just have to wait and see.The plot in a nutshell: Meet legendary FBI undercover agent Charles Barker (Patrick Swayze) and his handpicked successor, Ellis Dove (Aussie Travis Fimmel). Actually, watch as Barker puts a few bullets into Ellis's vest when their latest operation goes bad. It seems Ellis has a lot to learn - from how not to rely on his badge to get him out of jams to why Quantico book smarts don't translate into street smarts - and Barker is there to teach him as they cruise the streets of Chicago in his Cadillac CTS. Their latest task - pose as redneck brothers looking to sell RPGs to a local "shopaholic for heavy artillery." One small problem - they don't have any RPGs to use as bait. And so Ellis's education into the rule bending world of Charles Barker begins. Between breaking into evidence lockers and paying off junkies, Ellis finds that Barker will literally do anything to close a case. Intermixed into the action are brief glimpses into the pair's personal lives - Barker deals with a crisis involving sister while Ellis befriends his neighbor (Lindsay Pulsipher), a law associate. Ultimately by the end of the first hour, Ellis will learn just how good Barker is and - in a game changing twist I won't spoil here (although ironically A&E isn't being too shy about it) - how he'll eventually have to make a choice about where his loyalties lie. The following week, Ellis deals with the fallout of said reveal as he and Barker try to scoop up a major drug shipment.What works: First and foremost, as a Chicago boy myself, nothing fills my heart more than seeing Chicago on the small screen again (and not just as a stand-in city, a la "ER"). Director Michael Dinner and company make the most of the city, filming scenes at everything from Millennium Park to Emmit's Pub. Aesthetics aside though, there's the makings of a potentially solid procedural here. The show's two guys, a car and the city paradigm turns out to be surprisingly freeing. Barker and Ellis don't look under microscopes or even work at an office (their supervisor, Conrad, simply hand drops each case file), they simply mine human intelligence and try to hustle their way to their goal. It helps that the Barker/Ellis dynamic has some legs: Barker treats Ellis as his errand boy (Ellis is almost always seen picking up Barker's car or being left in its dust) and endlessly drills him on his abilities as an undercover agent, while Ellis hates/respects him for it. Sure it's not exactly reinventing the wheel but it's enough to make it stand out in the crowded procedural marketplace.What doesn't: On the flip side, there's not much heart to the show. Barker and Ellis play their cards so close to their respective vests you never really get a sense of their true motivations. Even worse is that the series' big hook - that this job eats away at you like, you guessed it, a beast - never quite connects. Barker sings the tired tune that you can't have anything in your life you can't walk away from in a heartbeat, but yet Ellis - when he wants to at least - seems more than capable of handling the job and a relationship with Rose. To its credit though, the show wisely reframes questions about Barker's true motivations and philosophies via the aforementioned twist. Nevertheless one can't help but feel it's missing that "something" that could make the show special. In terms of its procedural elements, neither the bad guys nor the situations ever feel like much of a threat. They're all paper tigers waiting to be cut down by Swayze's stubble or Fimmel's shaky accent as "The Beast" hasn't quite mastered the art of painting our heroes into a corner only to Vic Mackey themselves a solution. At the end of the day, we've all seen a grim and gritty cop show like this before...The bottom line: ...let's just hope "The Beast" can eventually give us a little more.

HA: Well, he was there, I was there, pointing a rifle at him so, which by the way, I carried an M1, you know, my arm was theoretically a carbine. The first opportunity I had to shoot the thing in anger, it jammed, and fortunately, the one I was shooting at was going the other way. So right after that, I carried an M1 and in my jeep, the stolen jeep, I also had a BAR, because there's a difference, even though they both shoot the same ammunition, because of the longer barrel on the BAR, you can hear those bullets really zap by you. Whereas, from an M-1, the same bullet sounds more like when telephone wires are in the wind, they make a noise. That's incidental, my own thoughts. ... Also, the other thing I did, being not a dyed-in-the-wool communicator, I was the first one to lay wire using a helicopter, where the wire chief would just tie a weight to one end of the spool of real light wire that we had, drop it out, and fly to where he was going and drop it and the chances of somebody being able to find it and break it were minimal, and the risk involved was reduced considerably. Now, since I did visit battalions, one of the radio chiefs at the battalion asked me could he modify an SCR 300, so it would turn on, essentially, with noise, you know, It wasn't a press to talk, and then place it out in what they thought was sure to be a path for attackers to advance in, and before he put it out there they could register artillery there. In fact, the canon cockers could do it so there was a time on target where every weapon, artillery type, when they reach that spot, all the incoming comes down at once. It's not one where somebody has a chance to duck, and I said, "Great, that's a great idea." Which we did and they caught a whole bunch of Chinese in an assembly area. I saw the photographs of that and there must have been at least fifty or more all chewed up, because it was not only the 105s, and the 155s, and, for all I know, they might have even got some of the Army's guns clued in on it. ... I left just before they got to the Punchbowl, which was on the truce line. [I] came back to the States, and was ordered to Quantico, to the Marine Corps equipment board in the electronics section. ... Again, back to MIT, in the days of radio, before transistors and printed circuits and what not, you turn the radio upside down and there's a mass of wires, and these kids, I was older obviously, they'd look at [it] all, "There's an amplifier, there's a oscillator, there's a this," and I'd looked at it, "there's a headache." One professor once said that most of the failures in electronics stuff are tube failures. I figured I could spot them that and I could touch tubes when you had to find the fault and I'd have a pretty good chance of getting the right answers. But, the one thing that I knew, unless somebody's parents owned a complete machine shop and everything else, they didn't build generators or motors in their basement; like they only built radios, I never had. Antennas are always sort of an afterthought, and I had concentrated on generators and the antennas and at that time the Marine Corps used to give, I was a major then, because I got promoted right after I got back from Korea, and people like me had a lot more authority than they give a brigadier general now. But I had since ran the development of the Marine Corps engine generators, because you have to have power for radios, radars, and what not, and antennas, plus a little bit, [a] side thing with radars that would detect people. With those three things, it kept me busy in Quantico for almost two years, and then I was transferred to headquarters, Marine Corps. First, in the supply department as a technical adviser to supply procurement officers. Then, while I was there, [I] had a very smart first lieutenant that came to work for me, and, I suppose, I taught him all the things that he should not do if he wanted to become a general, and I had a bet with his wife that someday he'd be the Quartermaster General of the Marine Corps, a bottle of Jack Daniels. He paid the bet some twenty years later, I guess. After my tour there, I was transferred to, it was where I got into Sig-Int since, to me, that was the most interesting part of communications. ... In theory, I was to take a job in London but before all the clearance papers were done, and everything else, they moved the billet from London to the second floor of the Marine Corps headquarters. So my transfer was from the top floor to the second floor, via London. That's where I got to work primarily with NSA people but sometimes with the CIA people, and after my stint with the, I was in the G-2 section. 041b061a72



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